Saturday, October 18, 2008

"Me time"

We all have an idea of who we are. Joe is Joe, Mary fucks Joe and Joe and Mary have Moe. That's life. I am me you are you. That sort of thing. Hello again

my name is Cory Alan Barrow, and well, I just felt like telling you a little about myself. Currently 21. Currently employed. Currently dating. Currently and constantly ready for anything. Currently awaiting the sun to poke back out of the clouds so I can go back outside, light one up and kill myself slowly. There's nothing like working in the medical field and rebelling by having a cigarette from time to time, most people don't understand how liberating that truly is. Oh yeah the medical field, definitely not for me.

"What do you want from life?" Bill asks. "Good question Bill"

I want peace of mind, but, who doesn't these days. I want to be able to roll out of bed one day, yawn, stretch, and step out onto solid ground. I want the best for those around me who aren't complete assholes. I want the grass to be greener on the otherside. I'm tired. More on that later.

To be continued...

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