Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Relationships! Well well. Has to start somewhere, right?
*a relation between people; (`relationship' is often used where `relation' would serve, as in `the relationship between inflation and unemployment ...
*a state of connectedness between people (especially an emotional connection); "he didn't want his wife to know of the relationship"
*a state involving mutual dealings between people or parties or countries
*kinship: (anthropology) relatedness or connection by blood or marriage or adoption

Well now that we've cleared that up... Relationships to me are really either the most simple or complex damn thing about this little existence we lead. And I know what you are thinking, "Dudes in his early twenties what the hell does he know!" Well shun that thought you arrogant prick! I don't claim to know more than that in which my mind lets me, which of course is going to differ from your point of view (why life is so marvelous c'mon now). Me, I wish I could meet every single person in the world (not going to happen).
Negative. Positive. Ying and yang. Black and white. Men and women. That simple. That complex. (And men and men etc... 2008 here no offense God is pissed you found the loophole and that is awesome, more power to 'ya).
When I meet someone I am not immediately saying "hey is this person compatable with my personality", regardless of gender, well in terms of like just knowing you (I like women, again no offense). But, when I meet a female it is completely different, which may be the very reason us Barrows have such a reputation. Immediately upon meeting a female regardless of situation she is immediatley getting like the Barrow x-ray scan. Just looking for the knife under your work vest, no worries. What I mean by this is, when you are curious about something there really is no denying it. And well, women as a whole strike my curiosity (a shared feeling I am sure). And seriously gentlemen if your woman senses a loss in curiosity well you are certainly doing something wrong.
In my experience, if you want something, just say so! I've seen alot of divorce, maybe because I am from California, or maybe because well it is just so common these days. That being said, the main reason for most of their downfall (those I witnessed) is a lack of communication. Not the typical communication like "hey, I really wish we talked more" wtf is that. No communication in the sense of, "hey when you say you will do this and don't it really pisses me off", or "hey I would really like it if we could blah blah do this activity." If you want something you have to say so. It is a misconception to think that hey I want this therefore this thing I want I should expect from my relationship. Negative. If you want something then you should only expect it from yourself, in the sense that, if "I want this bad enough I will get it". Be yourself, if that doesnt work then you should probably find someone else. Good rule of thumb. Dont force it.
The most important relationship is the one with yourself. Conquer that. If you two can get along there is no limit to the things you could do.

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